We are excited to announce that Mobile Tech Expo – Las Vegas is happening. We hope you can join us for a special educational event and MTE community gathering at the South Point Hotel & Casino!
First off, Friday, August 28 at 6pm we will hold a community mixer! On Saturday, August 29, enroll for a full day of valuable business education from 8:45am – 5:30pm including lunch!
There will be more than 25 education sessions including but not limited to:
- Building Relationships Through Virtual Networks
- A Detailing Real Talk Roundtable
- Overcoming the Mental Game
- Top Social Media Marketing
- Car Hygiene – Using Sanitization for Peace of Mind
- Remembering How You Started
- Sessions from NAPDRT
Register today – only $75 – includes lunch and a t-shirt!
We also welcome past and new exhibitors to host (FREE to past exhibitors) tabletop showcases of their products and services to help you maintain and expand your business in these challenging times. If you are an exhibitor, you can click here to sign up!
We have implemented new safety standards due to COVID-19 and will continue to update as more information becomes available. We are instituting best practices aimed to ensure a safe, organized, and hygienic event experience while giving you peace of mind. All of this in-line with the CDC and health department’s guidelines. Here is what you can expect:

South Point Hotel will ensure that all sleeping rooms, elevators, and public spaces are thoroughly sanitized.

Sanitizing of all public spaces with special emphasis on human touch points, i.e. door handles, tables, desks, chairs, etc.

Physical Distancing at all sessions

Hand Santizing dispensers throughout the event

Masks available for anyone who wants one
Your safety is our #1 priority.
More information can be found on the Mobile Tech Expo website https://MobileTechExpo.com/, or by emailing info@mobiletechexpo.com or by calling 877-764-3976.