Contribute Your Knowledge to the IDA…
By Erin Reyes, IDA Communications Specialist
IDA volunteers man the association booth at the Mobile Tech Expo in January 2018. Photo Credit: Joseph DiFiore, CD-SV.
Previously, we encouraged members of the International Detailing Association (IDA) to join a committee for the opportunity to not only advance the organization, but also the industry and members’ individual careers. However, we know that making a commitment to a committee is exactly that—a commitment.
Many members may not have the time or availability needed to fully engage on a committee but are still interested in sharing their expertise with the association. That’s okay because we have plenty of other volunteer opportunities for members to get involved and develop important leadership skills!
Let Your Voice be Heard
Perhaps you enjoy public speaking. If so, please consider hosting one of our monthly webinars to share your expertise in an industry-related area of interest. Webinars are attended by both members and nonmembers, so you have the opportunity to reach a wide audience of detailing professionals. Past topics have ranged from marketing/social media strategy to utilizing new products and technology to best business practices. Visit the event page on the IDA website to see a list of previous webinars.
Are you an aspiring author, blogger, or someone who just loves to write? We encourage you to consider becoming a regular contributor to our monthly newsletter, The Detail Dialogue. We are always seeking creative and informative articles to share—both in the newsletter and across other channels—that will help your fellow members improve their businesses and detailing skills. Members can login to the website to access our Article Archives for guidelines and examples of the type of content we prefer.
You may also contribute your knowledge by answering questions from your fellow detailers on social media, forums, and members-only communities. Provide insightful responses to show you are a trusted thought leader within the industry.
Put Your Knowledge on Display
If you would like to help in a way that also offers some face-to-face time with fellow detailers, then we suggest volunteering to work at an exhibit booth at one of our annual events, such as the Mobile Tech Expo (MTE) in January or the Car Wash Show in April. Trade show booths are a fun and interactive way to display your knowledge of the organization, while strengthening your presentation and networking skills—both essential qualities of a strong leader. Plus, you will get to meet a lot of new contacts, who will begin to identify you as one of the go-to resources within the association.
Volunteering in a booth requires basic knowledge about the organization, including the benefits of joining, membership types and certification opportunities. Keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming opportunities to get involved.
Ready to start lending your knowledge and talents to your professional organization? Contact info@the-ida.com to share your interest. Make a difference for your business, your profession, your industry, and your professional organization—get involved today!